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Gum Disease Treatment

Diagnosis, prevention and treatment

Your Gums Too Need To Be Perfect

Gum diseases, also referred as Periodontal diseases in dental parlance affects the gum tissues that surround the teeth. Like the teeth, the gum diseases are also caused by the dental bacteria that form plaque. These plaque inflame the gum only to damage them. When the infection and inflammation proceeds beyond a point, they might affect the attachment of the tooth to the gum and may result in loosening the tooth. This eventually leads to tooth lose.

Factors Responsible for Gum Diseases

  • The single most important reason is not maintaining proper oral hygiene
  • Smoking and chewing tobacco
  • Hormonal changes during pregnancy
  • Some medications
  • Cancer and few other illness

Importance of Dental Visit

At Smile One we emphasize the point that regular dental check ups are a must indeed. Gum diseases many a times are underlying and they silently aggravate without causing any pain and symptoms associated with it. In such a scenario, when the symptoms manifest at a later stage, they might have reached a point where there is an increased risk of losing the tooth.

Gum Diseases and their Indicators

When a person has gum disease there are various indicators pointing that the gum is not healthy enough. They are

    • Swollen and red gums
    • Gums that are tender to touch
    • Bleeding gums, they might bleed during brushing or flossing and otherwise also
    • Loose teeth
    • Bad breath, also called halitosis
    • Pus coming out from the juncture of teeth and gum

Gum diseases or periodontal diseases are classified into three types. This classification is basis the severity of the gum disease. They are gingivitis, periodontitis and advanced periodontitis.

Gingivitis – It is fairly a common infection of the gums. The gum is swollen and often bleeds. This is due to the dental bacteria getting accumulated as plaque.

Periodontititis – It is the next stage of gingivitis. When gingivitis is not cared for the bacteria of the plaque begin their entry into the blood stream and cause stress to the immune system. The condition is characterized by increase in swelling of the gum, bad breath and bleeding. Gingivitis advancing to periodontitis signals the beginning of bone recession.

Advanced Periodontitis – This is stage where some 50% – 90% bone loss has occurred. The condition becomes irreversible. Periodontal abscesses occurs and there are more bleeding and pus discharge from the infection area of the gum.

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